
(手動翻譯) (票選/選最佳答案時請不要讓用翻譯機的人得逞!) 日本汽車工業的菁英 ←這段我不太清楚是指甚麼 On August 1983, the Japanese industrial tycoon and Toyota president 豐田英二 hosted a secret conference with the top elites of the Japanese auto industry as well as the company's best senior engineers and designers. 豐田英二 read the conference room; here are all the best people, whom he was proud of, and who are valuable assets for the company's future. He waited for all of the attention then shocked the room with the question: "after half a century of experience in car design and making, can Japan produce a car that put itself above the rest of the world of automobile?" In another world, this new car will compete with the well-known European brands. At that time, everyone recognized that his question was in fact a challenge to the Japanese auto industry. However, everyone in the room answered firmly "Yes, we can." The answer was not merely a emotional outburst; rather, it was a promise from a group of experienced, brilliant professionals. Plan to develope a car that surpass all European cars ensued quickly. This ambitious project was named "F1", where "F" stood for "flagship" and "1" stood for number one. Everyone involved was confident and believed that F1 will be the finest, most luxurious, most functional, safest, and most farward-looking; it would not only lead other cars but also be a class of its own. The car would become the future nobility of cars. For F1 engineers and designers, all available resources and technologies are needed. When the first batch of Lexus were sold, in the tank-you letter the Toyota president 豐田英二 and VP 豐田章一 said "When we decided to create Lexus, we decided to put in all our recources, capability, and spirit. Our goal was to create the best car in the world." Their words stayed true. Opinions from car owners and results from professional tests all prove that Lexus has met all its expectations.